12 wellness tips that helped me change my life.


Tip 1

Have real conversations where you discuss what is really, really, really happening inside your heart and mind. And most importantly, don’t wait. Have these talks as soon as possible with someone who will hold a loving space for you. If you don’t have someone in your life who can do this? Skip to Tip 4.


Tip 2

Be able to see nature somewhere in your home. This doesn’t mean you need a million dollar view. Create a million dollar view. Put a picture of the forest in your bathroom. Tape a picture of an alpine meadow in a closet. Slide a picture of the ocean into your sock drawer. These images can save us when we’re lost.


Tip 3

Do something that allows you to feel connected to a greater power. Pray. Meditate. Write. Make art. Bake. Whatever works. A simple walk in nature can change everything for me. Find your thing. I’ve tried meditation classes. Sitting just doesn’t do it for me. Intentional movement is my thing. Find yours.


Tip 4

Get out of toxic relationships. You know if you’re in one. If you’ve genuinely tried to change things? Tried communicating more openly? Maybe even gotten outside help? And nothing seems to work? You owe it to the both of you, to graciously move forward. Yes, it can be painful. But love should never be toxic.


Tip 5

This isn’t easy to do. But it’s worth it. Avoid toxic everything. Toxic news. Toxic people. Toxic places. Toxic movies. Toxic foods. Be honest with yourself. Do I feel good after eating Kale? How come I’m not sleeping after watching that horror flick? Find your foods. Your movies. Your non-toxic community.


Tip 6

Look outside yourself. See the world not just as it is, but as it could be. Join an organization bent on changing things. Stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. Support a cause you truly believe in. Support anyone trying to make the world a better place. Remain open to all ideas on healing the earth.


Tip 7

Get some really good shoes. I’m not talking about fashion. I’m talking about getting yourself some really comfortable shoes. They can change your life. Our feet take a beating. And just like us, they need love. I’m not saying to avoid beautiful, adorable, sexy shoes. I’m saying get some really good shoes.


Tip 8

Chocolate. Yes. I’m going there. Find one that really does it for you. I cherish a small piece of dark chocolate in the evening. It’s my reward for making it through another day. I keep ‘em in the freezer. My Dad taught me this trick. This simple act of eating frozen chocolate, creates happy thoughts of him.


Tip 9

Keep your brain active and engaged. Step away from technology. Read a book. Play the flute. Or the guitar. Write in a notebook with a real pen. Make soup. Play a game. Sit down with someone and just talk. Or sit alone on the back step. Sketch the weeds growing out of the cement.


Tip 10

Allow yourself to fail. To mess up. To occasionally stray from your perfect path. Have the damn pasta. Devour the pint of ice cream. 99% of the time, I’m all over it. Eating smart. Exercising. Getting my work done. But every so often, I absolutely blow it. I’ve finally learned to be okay with this.


Tip 11

Learn to embrace and adore your issues. To say I’m a sensitive being is an understatement. I’m allergic to so many things. Suffice to say, I’m extremely careful about what I have in my home. Cleaning products. Shampoo. Makeup. Artificial ingredients are my kryptonite. Issue solved. How adorable.


Tip 12

Fall in love. With someone. With yourself. With a new career. With a movement. A new furry friend. A new town. No matter with whom, what, or where you end up, you’ll grow from the experience. Opening a door to love can create an opportunity to feed your hungry soul with joy for the rest of your life.


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